Hey :wave:, i am new to pulumi and try to understa...
# general
Hey 👋, i am new to pulumi and try to understand how can i provide internal (shareable) components within my company for common usecases (like terraform modules). Do i understand correct it is limited to specific programming language, e.g. i have to write in typescript and pull in as npm package? Also, the yaml language SDK does not seem to provide a way to leverage components? Is there something i a missing for this kind of approach? I did not find much information in the docs related to this topic 😞.
@millions-artist-91772 Pulumi allows you to create packages https://www.pulumi.com/docs/using-pulumi/pulumi-packages/ A package can be a single language, or you can also define multi language packages: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/pulumiup-pulumi-packages-multi-language-components/
you’re correct that you can’t (yet) define packages in YAML
you can however write packages in TypeScript, Python, Go and consume them from YAML
you can however write packages in TypeScript, Python, Go and consume them from YAML
Do you have a example how that works?
here’s a multi language package authored in Go: https://github.com/lbrlabs/pulumi-lbrlabs-eks it’s consumed by yaml here: https://github.com/lbrlabs/pulumi-lbrlabs-eks/blob/main/examples/yaml/Pulumi.yaml
Interesting, i guess it is discovered and pulled via the pulumi registry in this case? Is the YAML provider depends on the registry? I just wonder how it should work for "private" projects, can this be achieved with the
pulumi plugin install resource ...
? So native plugins/packages are actually based on golang? So much unknowns to learn about the internals of pulumi 😅
plugin discovery is done via the pulumi engine, so you build a binary, and install via your chosen package manager. I’m not sure on the support for private registries, but you can host a binary plugin on any object store like an internal s3. You just need to set the path to the plugin here: https://github.com/lbrlabs/pulumi-lbrlabs-eks/blob/main/schema.yaml#L6