Hello! I'm using the schema generator to generate ...
# package-authoring
Hello! I'm using the schema generator to generate a Go SDK for my component resources but I'm running into issues it does not seem to be able to reference anything in the pulumiTypes file, it complains that anything I set as an input that references a type in the schema is not found
here's the command I run to generate the SDK
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pulumi package gen-sdk ${WORKING_DIR}/bin/${PACKAGE}/schema.json --language go
this is the schema.json
i'm using v3.78.1
I saw something similar last week. I believe you now need to specify some Go-specific metadata in your schema. Similar to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-rke/pull/125/files#diff-34c57e622183cb0d8dd0d3f9eaa0861b3340120e9b2ad811bac7ac7be4cea4b1R158. (Those changes in my PR there were required to address this same issue I was seeing). I do not believe this should technically be required, and hoping we can remove this requirement again. But it may help unblock you.
Thanks @white-balloon-205! I added the metadata
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go": {
      "importBasePath": "github_enterprise/pulumi-rcb/sdk/go/rcb",
"generateResourceContainerTypes": true,
"generateExtraInputTypes": true
but still get the issue where it can't find any of the inputs that reference a type defined in pulumiTypes.
could it be because i'm using someting in a private repo and that causes the packages not to be found?