Hello any reason why i would be recieving this er...
# general
Hello any reason why i would be recieving this error on "pulumi up" with this new project? No resources exist in azure. I have also deleted and re-created the stack with no success pulumipulumiStack (Azure.ResourceGroups-dev): error: Duplicate resource URN 'urnpulumidev:Azure.ResourceGroupspulumipulumiStack:Azure.ResourceGroups-dev'; try giving it a unique name my pulumi is up-to-date
I think you may have reused a project name.
there is no stack with that name
How about in a different project with the same name? If you're using the Pulumi Cloud backend, you can check there for all your projects and stacks.
The project name looks like
I tried a new project with a new name
that is the new one i created
i even deleted and tried again no such luck
Did you check Pulumi Cloud? Note that
pulumi destroy
does not remove the stack. You have to also do
pulumi stack rm
to remove the stack itself.
yes i did check Pulumi Cloud
yes i also did pulumi stack rm
Can you paste the entire command line output for
pulumi up
? (Please use codefences for readabilitu.)
error: Duplicate resource URN 'urn:pulumi:dev::Azure.ResourceGroups::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::Azure.ResourceGroups-dev'; try giving it a unique name
@stocky-restaurant-98004 is this the output you are looking for?
Just the regular output from the command line, like
pulumi up -y | pbcopy
Type                 Name                 Plan     Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack  rg2-Resource.Groups           1 error
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (rg2-Resource.Groups):
error: Duplicate resource URN 'urn:pulumi:Resource.Groups::rg2::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::rg2-Resource.Groups'; try giving it a unique name
So when i run this line in the main it works
static Task<int> Main() => Pulumi.Deployment.RunAsync<ResourceGroupStack>();
but when i change it to this is when it gives the duplicate URN
static Task<int> Main() => Pulumi.Deployment.RunAsync(async () => new ResourceGroupStack("rg-classlibtest-2", "eastus"));
The Output shows that is is trying to create a duplicate resource. I don't see any duplicate stacks.
I0828 17:26:44.020595  130016 log.go:81] ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource received: t=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=shopify.azure.resource.groups-dev, custom=false, #props=0, parent=, protect=false, provider=, deps=[], deleteBeforeReplace=<nil>, ignoreChanges=[], aliases=[], customTimeouts=, providers=map[], replaceOnChanges=[], retainOnDelete=false, deletedWith=
I0828 17:26:44.020595  130016 log.go:81] ResourceMonitor.RegisterResource received: t=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=shopify.azure.resource.groups-dev, custom=false, #props=0, parent=, protect=false, provider=, deps=[], deleteBeforeReplace=<nil>, ignoreChanges=[], aliases=[], customTimeouts=, providers=map[], replaceOnChanges=[], retainOnDelete=false, deletedWith=
hey @stocky-restaurant-98004 any ideas on this?
@victorious-ability-58329 I believe it’s because you’re
class is still declared as type
: Stack
. And when used in the second form (
async() => …
) Pulumi is trying to create the stack a second time. Remove the
: Stack
should solve the problem.