Hi, when upgrading from v1.x.x to v2.x.x pulumi wa...
# azure
Hi, when upgrading from v1.x.x to v2.x.x pulumi wants to recreate my AKS cluster after changing SKU from basic to base. Is there anyway to avoid this or am i forced to recreate the cluster because of changes to the SKU in the new API?
Sorry for this issue. We’re tracking it at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/2600 and are working on a fix, but unfortunately don’t have one to share just yet.
Thanks for the quick reply Thomas. I'll follow the issue :)
@melodic-tomato-39005 Would some incantation of
possibly help here?
Not in this case because we’re sending the wrong enum value to Azure. Mikhail’s suggestion in the GH issue to explicitly import the older API version v20210301 might work, though. We also now have an active PR for it, so it might not take too long to release a fix.
Roger that, thanks!