hello everyone! When i try to reproduce this <pyt...
# general
hello everyone! When i try to reproduce this python example of ecs cluster with launch type ec2, i face such an issue: 1. if run "as is" - servers are up and running, there is ec2, ecs, but no ec2 registered in ecs. 2. when i comment out everything related to load balacner - ec2 is registered in ecs, but, obviously, i have no access to instance, since it is not publicly available. My hypothesis is that there is an issue with load balacner configuration, so that it cannnot run healtcheck and thus task is never started in ec2. Has everyone else seen this problem, how that can be solved?
Been a while since I've done AWS, but it looks like there isn't a security group attached to the ec2 instances in this code to let the LB communicate with it
you were right, resolved my problem, thanks! spend hours trying figuring out what was wrong
interesting. I had a look yesterday, and other examples also don't attach an SG to the ec2 😆 Maybe your account has the default SG restricted? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/default-custom-security-groups.html
glad you got it resolved, though!