Hello - I seem to have lost write access to <https...
# pulumiverse
Hello - I seem to have lost write access to https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-vra (gh user:
) Could I be re-instated? We're ready to release 😄
@limited-rainbow-51650 who should I ping for help?
Feel free to mention the 2023 board members https://github.com/pulumiverse/.github/blob/main/governance/board.md Every entry points to their Github profile/handle.
@elegant-window-55250 / @busy-journalist-6936 / @many-telephone-49025 I posted a request here for help: https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-vra/issues/7 Are you able to help us get the vra adapter released?
@proud-machine-85126 I have been looking into our Pulumi managed Github setup. I don't know what is happening with your account, but there is something weird going on. According our setup, you should have access, but I don't see you listed as a collaborator on
repo in the github web portal.
I recreated the
resource which ties your user account to the
repo. You are now a collaborator. Please keep an eye whether you remove it again in the coming days/weeks. If so, please report as soon as possible. Not sure what happens, but it seems the Pulumi Github provider is wonky.
ok, thank you @limited-rainbow-51650. I'm working with Owen (he makes the PR & I can approve them) on our release.