Hello, When I am trying bind a tag with a kafka_to...
# general
Hello, When I am trying bind a tag with a kafka_topic in confluent cloud using https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/confluentcloud/api-docs/tagbinding/ I am getting below error and it is not very clear. Does someone else already have any experience around this how to do this ? confluentcloudindexTagBinding (topic8_pulumi_testTag6_binding): error: 1 error occurred: * error creating Tag Binding 404 Not Found
@salmon-account-74572 could you please check and help on this?
Are you able to share your code?
Thanks for the reply. I think I found the issue. There is a difference in topic_name in the entity_name construct and the actual topic_name. After correcting this it worked. Have a nice day
Glad you were able to get it working!