Hi all, I have infrastructure in AWS that includes...
# google-cloud
Hi all, I have infrastructure in AWS that includes RDS Postgres. Now I am working on the same infrastructure in Google Cloud. I created Cloud SQL Postgres and see that "password" input is stored as plaintext in state file while "password" input is stored encrypted in case of Amazon RDS. Is this a bug ? As this is sensitive data I believe it always should be stored as encrypted. Thanks!
The password is encrypted in my state. How are you passing it in?
Input field is encrypted ? I tried many ways: 1. Create password in code using Pulumi.Random.RandomPasssword (I use this approach with RDS) 2. Create config secret value and pass it as config.RequireSecret("db_password") In both variants Input field is plaintext while Output is encrypted
We're using
here. Do you have a secrets provider setup to provide the encryption?
Of course, I use AWS S3 bucket with KMS key encryption as backend
I use google-native provider not classic
if you export a value marked as secret, is that stored in plaintext or encrypted?
something like
export foo = pulumi.secret("bar")
should do if using typescript
yes, it is stored encrypted
Copy code
TestSecure = Output.CreateSecret("test_secret_value");

[Output] public Output<string> TestSecure { get; set; }
The problem is not in encryption Output but in encryption of Input
If you export your state and check Input password value is it encrypted or not ?
yes, it's encrypted in mine. Though I'm using gcp classic for the database
Thanks, I always try to use aws native or google native where it is possible )
Looks like it is bug in google-native provider as SQL User password Input field also not encrypted
It's fine to use both at the same time, so could setup the database with Classic, then have the rest with native
But they cover Cloud SQL with google-native that's why I used it
The APIs are very similar, so should all make sense to you. In the mean time, an issue should be raised about inputs not being encrypted: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-google-native/issues