I am playing with the Azure DevOps and the Azure N...
# azure
I am playing with the Azure DevOps and the Azure Native providers (using C#) and I have some weird code to do simple things. I would love to have some proper advice on how do the things the right way. 1. Retrieve the Azure DevOps organisation name
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var organisationName = Output.Create(Pulumi.AzureDevOps.GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync())
    .Apply(c => new Uri(c.OrganizationUrl).Segments.Last());
2. Retrieve the current Azure subscription name
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var azureConfig = GetClientConfig.Invoke();    
var subscriptionName = azureConfig.Apply(c =>
     var armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
     var subscription = armClient.GetSubscriptionResource(new ResourceIdentifier($"/subscriptions/{c.SubscriptionId}")).Get();
     return subscription.Value.Data.DisplayName;
Do you have suggestions on how to do the same thing in a better way ?
Are you able to access the environment variables? If so, you might be able to get the Azure config directly from the environment vars.
Locally, Pulumi is using the Azure CLI for me to be authenticated, so I don't think environment variables would contain my subscription name. concerning Azure DevOps, the authentication is done using the Azure DevOps token and the organizationUrl set in the configuration so I don't think I can the organization name from the env vars.
Does this work?
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var organisationName = Pulumi.AzureDevOps.GetClientConfig.Invoke()
    .Apply(c => new Uri(c.OrganizationUrl).Segments.Last());
or did we miss adding Invoke there?
Invoke is not available,only invokeasync.
Anyway it works, but does not feel very easy to read. Even worse for retrieving the subscription name. I was wondering if I was missing some better ways to do that.
We should add it. Could you please open an issue?
👉 https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azuredevops/issues/169 For the subscription name however, I did not find something better than calling the Azure SDK. In the Azure Classic provider there is a method to do retrieve it directly but referencing the classic SDK just for that is not somethin I want to do. The apply everywhere does not make thing very readable either. It seems to me that I had less Apply when using TypeScript, is it because Lifting does not completly work in C# ?