Can you make custom provider components that refer...
# general
Can you make custom provider components that reference custom components within itself? Custom Component Provider • Component A • Component B ◦ Component A It works when writing the components in Typescript but I can't get it working writing it in Go....
do you mean a component resource that references another component resource?
Yes sorry I do mean component resources.
yeah that should work, what’s not working for you?
hmm turns out I found a faulty child component through process of elimination- the error was just not helpful on the parent component... I'm trying to generate a custom data array output type in an ApplyT and the part of casting it is failing:
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That component just happened to be in all my other components! I think my problem is flattening outputs. If I have an output of an output - how do I turn that into a single output? e.g. if an ApplyT returns a StringOutput inside the ApplyT - that will get wrapped in another Output... How do I have it not do that?