Are there any good guides or example around that s...
# azure
Are there any good guides or example around that show how to work with managed identity and Azure Native? For example, showing how to allow an Azure Web App to access a Storage Account and a Redis Cache via User Assigned Managed Identity?
It should be as simple as enabling the system managed identity, taking that identity ID from the output and adding the identity to the roles. There's a separate resource for role assignment. That's an example of taking the system managed identity out of the AKS cluster and granting it DNS Contributor roles.
Magic, thanks @worried-knife-31967
I ended up doing something a little different. I'm creating a User Assigned Identity rather than using the System Assigned Identity of a resource...
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var identity = new UserAssignedIdentity(NameGenerator.ManagedIdentity("marketplace"), new UserAssignedIdentityArgs
        ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name
Then assigning it to my Azure Web App via the Identity property, and then assigining it to each service where access is required. For example, here is a Storage Account...
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var roleAssignment = new RoleAssignment("storageAccountRoleAssignment", new RoleAssignmentArgs
            PrincipalId = identity.PrincipalId.Apply(x => x),
            RoleDefinitionId = RoleDefinitions.StorageAccountContributor,
            Scope = Resource.Id,
            PrincipalType = PrincipalType.ServicePrincipal
Though now I am wondering if using System Assigned may be better than User Assigned 😄
User Assigned can be useful, especially if you have a fleet of services that need the same access, that way, you can add them to groups, but you can do that with system managed too. User Assigned will also live beyond the appservice, so you can replace it easier.