Is there a way with Azure Native to grant data acc...
# azure
Is there a way with Azure Native to grant data access to Cosmos DB to a managed identity?
I guess you just have to find the correct role id for cosmosdb data reader and do a role assignment with this role id, the id of your managed identity and the scope (your cosmos db account)
You can do it with a
, not the usual
. Here's some C# code I use in a project. This one creates a custom role inside Cosmos DB with with
object, then assigns it to a given principal using
. In this case it assigns it to the System Assigned Identity of an Azure Function, but you can supply your managed id.
Copy code
//Allow the function app to read/write to Cosmos DB
//Make a custom role to access the database. Can't find a way to use a built in one, so we just make our own
var roleId = new Pulumi.Random.RandomUuid("my-role-id-uuid", new Pulumi.Random.RandomUuidArgs{ });
var roleAssignmentId = new Pulumi.Random.RandomUuid("my-role-assignment-id-uuid", new Pulumi.Random.RandomUuidArgs{ });

var cosmosDbContributorRole = new SqlResourceSqlRoleDefinition("arcade-device-management-cosmos-contributor", new AzureNative.DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlRoleDefinitionArgs
    ResourceGroupName = ResourceGroupName,
    RoleName = "my-custom-contributor",
    AccountName = cosmosDBInfra.Account.Name,
    RoleDefinitionId = roleId.Result,
    Type = RoleDefinitionType.CustomRole,
    Permissions = new[]
        new AzureNative.DocumentDB.Inputs.PermissionArgs
            DataActions = new []
    AssignableScopes = new[]

_ = new SqlResourceSqlRoleAssignment("my-role-assignment", new AzureNative.DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlRoleAssignmentArgs
    ResourceGroupName = ResourceGroupName,
    PrincipalId = functionPrincipalId,
    AccountName = cosmosDBInfra.Account.Name,
    RoleDefinitionId = cosmosDbContributorRole.Id,
    RoleAssignmentId = roleAssignmentId.Result,
    Scope = cosmosDBInfra.Account.Id
Thanks a lot @modern-quill-17695, that seems useful!