Hi all, is there a channel available for sharing l...
# general
Hi all, is there a channel available for sharing learning resources and opportunities outside of the Pulumi community with everyone? Perhaps a casual or random channel.
This community is pretty focused on Pulumi. If you have something related to Pulumi, you can put it here or in a relevant channel; we’re also open to resources that might help folks who are using Pulumi (like learning resources for some of the languages we support, or resources focused on some of the providers/platforms we support). Random things that are completely unrelated to Pulumi or anything to do with Pulumi, though…not sure anyone is interested in that. 🙂 What did you have in mind?
@salmon-account-74572, thank you for providing such a detailed explanation. I'd like to inform everyone about the upcoming free week at KodeKloud. It presents an excellent opportunity for learners to delve into the realms of DevOps and cloud computing. Additionally, we offer the Pulumni essential course, which will also be accessible at no cost to users. Therefore, I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of these exciting learning opportunity.
For things such as this, which are directly related to either Pulumi or the key areas that Pulumi touches, an occasional post is within reason. Obviously, we don’t want folks to spam the community, but respectful posts that are relevant are reasonable, I’d say. Does that help?