The <ssm.Parameter> resource from the AWS package ...
# general
The ssm.Parameter resource from the AWS package adds a random string suffix whenever I create a parameter. Does anyone know how to disable this? I couldn't find anything in the reference docs that mention the behaviour.
You can set the name property of the Parameter.
This is common with almost all Pulumi resources: if you don't set the name, then Pulumi generates it from the 1st parameter to the constructor plus a random suffix.
I did, but it still sets a random suffix
Can you show the code?
ok so I thought I did, but it was a different field.
It can be a bit confusing that every constructor has a name parameter, and most resources have a name property.. and they're closely related but not the same...
It can be a bit confusing that every constructor has a name parameter
🙃 yeah that's exactly what tripped me up