we're seeing an odd behavior where self-managed GC...
# google-cloud
we're seeing an odd behavior where self-managed GCP certs are always showing that they need to be replaced, and the diff shows that the cert material needs to be added, which is odd because
pulumi stack export
shows exactly the cert material we expect. a sample diff:
Copy code
+-gcp:certificatemanager/certificate:Certificate: (replace)
  ~ selfManaged: {
      + pemCertificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...snip...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
      + pemPrivateKey : [secret]
pulumi stack export
includes certificate data that matches exactly what's in the diff. i obviously can't compare the key material, but it's odd that the diff a) shows that the key needs to be added, not changed; and b) shows that both the cert and key need to be added, when i can verify that the cert in the diff matches the cert in the current stack state. anyone have any idea what might be going on here, or how to gather more info on it?
Repeated diffs like this indicate a bug in the diff. If you have a self contained reproduction, please open a bug.
You should be able to work around the replace by setting IgnoreChanges.
in this case i think the perpetual diff would be preferable to the workaround. i'll see if i can create a minimal replication scenario, thanks
Reviving this thread: I have tried using
as a workaround, but am running into another issue there. When I attempt to ignore the
field and then run
pulumi up
I get the following error:
Copy code
error: gcp:certificatemanager/certificate:Certificate resource 'gcp-cert' has a problem: Invalid combination of arguments. "managed": one of `managed,self_managed` must be specified. Examine values at gcp-cert.managed'.
With code such as this:
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# Create new GCP certificate using Certificate Manager
self.gcp_cert = gcp.certificatemanager.Certificate(
        opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(
The call to
pulumi up
works fine, but after issuing a
pulumi refresh
all additional calls have the same problem. A similar issue occurs if I specify
["selfManaged.certificatePem", "selfManaged.certificatePrivateKey"]
as the args to
Copy code
error: gcp:certificatemanager/certificate:Certificate resource 'gcp-cert' has a problem: Invalid combination of arguments. "self_managed.0.certificate_pem": one of `self_managed.0.certificate_pem,self_managed.0.pem_certificate` must be specified. Examine values at 'gcp-cert.selfManaged.certificatePem'.