Hello pulumi-gophers! Is there anyone among us ma...
# golang
Hello pulumi-gophers! Is there anyone among us maintaining "TF-bridged" providers ? We implemented few providers and while trying to upgrade the depencies, (i.e. the TF provider, the pulumi sdk, the pulumi terraform-plugin-sdk & the pulumi-terraform-bridge dependencies), we become unable to use the new version of our providers. To illustrate my issue, I created this dummy repo, which you just need to clone,
, and run
go build
. You should then get the following lines into your terminal:
Copy code
# <http://github.com/Eclion/pulumi-playground/dummy-sdk/go/dummy|github.com/Eclion/pulumi-playground/dummy-sdk/go/dummy>
../../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/!eclion/pulumi-playground@v0.0.0-20230929090446-15f1174275f5/dummy-sdk/go/dummy/provider.go:69:64: type instantiation requires go1.18 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
../../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/!eclion/pulumi-playground@v0.0.0-20230929090446-15f1174275f5/dummy-sdk/go/dummy/provider.go:70:23: type instantiation requires go1.18 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
../../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/!eclion/pulumi-playground@v0.0.0-20230929090446-15f1174275f5/dummy-sdk/go/dummy/provider.go:89:69: type instantiation requires go1.18 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
../../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/!eclion/pulumi-playground@v0.0.0-20230929090446-15f1174275f5/dummy-sdk/go/dummy/provider.go:90:23: type instantiation requires go1.18 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
My understanding is that the upgrade of the Pulumi dependencies introduced the go generics which is why the
type instantiation
errors now appear. However, I couldn't find a way to fix the issue, appart using older pulumi dependencies, and running
go build
into the
folder works without issues. Is there anyone who has an idea on how it is possible to fix this issue ?
You are missing a
in your
See https://github.com/Eclion/pulumi-playground/pull/1 for details on how to resolve the problem.
Hi @ancient-policeman-24615! Awesome, it works as I wished. TIL at first I tried adding a go mod file a bit further in the folder but now I understand I just need to add it where at the same place I use in the go.mod where I import the package. Thanks a lot!!