Hello! I tried to release a new alpha of `pulumi-s...
# pulumiverse
Hello! I tried to release a new alpha of
, but there seems to have been some changes made to how the workflows should be set up. fail on main: https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry/actions/runs/6452660196 fail on release: https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry/actions/runs/6452674646 Can someone point me to an up to date repo with working workflows? 🙂
for the second one need to guess the right name for the secret. Try like here. At least it's green https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-astra/blob/d19769f384c92b0672434d4f23be72298fd21d3a/.github/workflows/release.yml#L8