We released pulumi-aws 6.0+ in our environment fro...
# aws
We released pulumi-aws 6.0+ in our environment from the earlier 5.0 series. A problem is happening with the resource type
as the resources created with 5.0 have
set as
inside of the state, instead of None or not existing. Since its an optional parameter, we don't have any values for them configured. Now we can't delete or change the old resources.. Any advice?
Copy code
aws:batch:JobQueue   resource-xxxxx deleting (0s)
@ Destroying..............
 -  aws:batch:JobQueue   resource-xxxxx deleting (10s) error: [AttributeName("scheduling_policy_arn")] ARN Type Validation Error: Value "" cannot be parsed as an ARN.
 -  aws:batch:JobQueue   resource-xxxxx **deleting failed** error: [AttributeName("scheduling_policy_arn")] ARN Type Validation Error: Value "" cannot be parsed as an ARN.
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack  stack-xxxxx  error: update failed
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack  stack-xxxxx **failed** 1 error
  aws:batch:JobQueue (  resource-xxxxx):
    error: [AttributeName("scheduling_policy_arn")] ARN Type Validation Error: Value "" cannot be parsed as an ARN.

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack ( stack-xxxxx):
    error: update failed