Do any of you Azure Pulumi developers have any exp...
# azure
Do any of you Azure Pulumi developers have any experience with the changes to Application Insights? For a number of months, Microsoft has been reminding us:
Classic application insights will be retired on 29 February 2024—migrate to workspace-based application insights
In reading their docs, it's not clear what's different in configuring the new approach, especially when our app insights resources are created programmatically via Pulumi. Here's what our Pulumi code generally looks like for Azure App Service or Azure Function App application insights resources.
Copy code
var apiAppInsights = new Component("api-app", new ComponentArgs
            ApplicationType = "web",
            FlowType = "Bluefield",
            IngestionMode = "ApplicationInsights",
            Kind = "web",
            Location = "eastus",
            RequestSource = "rest",
            ResourceGroupName = rgName,
            RetentionInDays = 90,
            Tags =
                { "Environment", "Development" },
Do any of you have Pulumi code that creates the new "workspace-based" application insights resources? Thanks!
Thank you. That's sort of what I'd sketched out as what I thought was required. Do you happen to know if that specific version is still required (V20200202)?
I don't know. This example was using the V1 of azure native provider. So I guess that now with V2 the workspace is in the default API
Looks like everything worked. Thanks for the help. Once I understood how to make the change, the change itself was pretty easy.