I am creating a namespace in kubernetes and its no...
# general
I am creating a namespace in kubernetes and its not taking the name parameter and the random namespace name is not working for deploying openfaas. and its creating namespace named
which is not working This is error and code :
Argument of type '{ name: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'NamespaceArgs'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'NamespaceArgs'.
Copy code
const openfaasNamespace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace("openfaas-fn", {
  // name: "openfaas-fn", it is not taking this parameter
}, { provider: k8sProvider });

openfaasNamespace.id.apply((id) => {
const openFaasChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("openfaas", {
    fetchOpts: { repo: "<https://openfaas.github.io/faas-netes/>" },
    chart: "openfaas",
  // namespace: "openfaas-fn-969d4df0",
    namespace: openfaasNamespace.metadata.name,
    values: {
        gateway: {
            resources: {
                requests: {
                    memory: "64Mi",
                    cpu: "100m"
                limits: {
                    memory: "128Mi",
                    cpu: "300m"
        controller: {
            admissionWebhooks: {
                enabled: false,
}, { provider: k8sProvider,
   dependsOn: openfaasNamespace

export const resourceGrp = openfaasNamespace.metadata.name;
Name is set on the metadata, so:
Copy code
const openfaasNamespace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace("openfaas-fn", {
  metadata: {
      name: "openfaas-fn"
}, { provider: k8sProvider });
Thanks a lot for helping me. I just installed openfaas for lambda function in digitalocean using pulumi. Also its not mentioned to use metadata for name in pulumi docs.
names in metadata are a k8s thing, not pulumi per se https://www.pulumi.com/docs/concepts/resources/names/
@straight-cartoon-24485 I read this docs and I was following this https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/api-docs/core/v1/namespace/#objectmeta but its taking name directly
? kinda what I was thinking, they refer you to k8s docs
@straight-cartoon-24485 yes, I am able to pass the namespace value using metadata.name, but also for name without suffix, I have to use the same, which is missing in the docs. Should I create an issue for it, if I am right ?
can't hurt 🙂, you're right that's an important detail when they must match
Thanks, I will raise an issue in the docs now.