Hey folks! I was having a look at what it takes to...
# contribute
Hey folks! I was having a look at what it takes to author a Pulumi provider, and it seems like you must write them in Go. Is that correct?
you can write them in go, python, typescript/javascript and even c# (though there are no examples for C# yet)
the docs aren't particularly detailed yet however.
Oh! If it's possible to write a provider in C#, that'd make what I'm exploring way easier
Yeah, that's the page I've got open, but it doesn't seem to make any mention of language support for Providers, only Components
• there's a note: C#: a template repository is coming soon
For a component, right? I'm talking about a provider package for a platform like ESXi or Github
there was a lot of... lets call it exploration and experitmentation. I suspect if I update my provider to C# I would just have to implement this shell script here, in such a way that it would call
dotnet path/to/my.dll
one issue I had with the boilerplate, was I had to work in a linux environment (wsl in my case)
dotnet resources providers are here: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/dotnet-custom-providers/
they are much easier to write in Go, though
Aha! Thank you!
In this case, I'm probably constrained to C#. The thing I'm exploring is writing a provider for the Perforce Helix Core source control server (colloquially referred to as P4), and they publish a .Net library for interacting with the server
Looks like they've got one for Python as well, but I'm much more familiar with C#