Hi, when you run pulumi up, it downloads the provi...
# general
Hi, when you run pulumi up, it downloads the providers you are using as .tar.gz files. I am on a private network with no internet access. Can I download these files manually? and where would put them / extract them?
Multiple options here: 1. Use
pulumi install
to install all required plugins for a project and tar your
folder and extract on the air-gapped computer 2. Use `pulumi plugin install`https://www.pulumi.com/docs/cli/commands/pulumi_plugin_install/ to selectively install plugins on a system with internet access and tar your
folder and extract on the air-gapped computer 3. Going the manual hard way if you want to learn how `pulumi`searches for plugins: download the provider, extract the archive add the location to your path at the front.
@big-architect-71258 Thanks Thomas, I will give that a try later today.
@narrow-monitor-83965 I updated my post. Damn Slack sent it prematurely 😂
No worries, I got the gist of what you were saying anyway. Thanks again.
Issue will be: only YAML will be self contained, i.e. YAML need no support for any packages to be downloaded for a programming language. So you must cope with this issue as well.
If I am using typescript or python I will be OK though?
Nope, because the providers are the one side of the coin: the other is the language bindings. They have to be installed as well. So on your air gapped computer there must have a complete
folder if you use Typescript/Javascript.
Yea, that is fine. Sorry I should have said, we have nexus proxy server which gives us access to NPM and Docker etc. We just don't have general internet download access on this particular network.
Yup, then your're fine 🙂
If your're using Nexus perhaps you can add the required providers as binary packages and have a bootstrap script for your Pulumi programs that install providers from those packages
Good idea, but I going to stand up an Minio cluster anyway to hold the pulumi state, so will probably go with a bucket to hold the plugins.