Hey all - AWS Cognito - I've setup an example manu...
# aws
Hey all - AWS Cognito - I've setup an example manually and it's showing a set of required properties - but I can't find (searched the docs / Google etc) how to code those with Pulumi into the userPool - what am I missing? I've got the pool created, the custom domain, the groups, the app clients... everything except for these darn required properties and it means that the Ux doesn't ask for the user's given name - just their email address It appears that AWS normally populates a bunch of defaults - see here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/user-pool-settings-attributes.html?icmpid=docs_cognito_console_help_panel
If anyone is also suffering this - the reason is because the schema is immutable. I've managed to solve it by destroying my user pool and then re-creating it with the schema containing the attributes I want to be required:
Copy code
schemas: [ {
      name: "email",
      attributeDataType: "String",
      mutable: true,
      required: true
    }, {
      name: "name",
      attributeDataType: "String",
      mutable: true,
      required: true
    }, {
      name: "account",
      attributeDataType: "String",
      mutable: true,
      required: false
    } ],