Is there anything in the Automation API or ESC roa...
# automation-api
Is there anything in the Automation API or ESC roadmap for support between the two? We'd love to utilize ESC via the Automation API but it doesn't seem possible currently.
Yes. We too want some of these newly released features supported via automation api for our product qmcloud.
What sort of usage patterns are you aiming for?
@microscopic-florist-22719 mostly the ability to set/retrieve config values from ESC using the Pulumi Automation API. We're building out some tooling for our teams to define new services (all standardised) and we don't want to pollute it with asking for a list of service specific config. Instead we'd like to the ability to simply point to an environment in Pulumi where the config for that service lives and pull that in when deploying the new service via Pulumi. Hope that makes sense 🙂
The same here. We have a commercial no code product and use automation api in the backend. We want to be able to allow end users store secrets and config in their choice of vault etc and retrieve values. We are working on a custom solution but would love to have automation api support this interaction with ESC and deployments.
So just to make sure I’m understanding correctly—you’re looking for the ability to specify an environment for a stack?
@microscopic-florist-22719 as a start yes. I think having the ability to provide an environment for a stack would be enough to get started. It would be great to enhance this functionality as time goes on so we see feature parity between the Pulumi CLI and Automation API in terms of ESC support.
mostly the ability to set/retrieve config values from ESC using the Pulumi Automation API
Is is just being able to specify an environment on the stack, or also CRUD operations on the environment itself?
CRUD operations would be ideal to have, at least in our usecase. The ability to specify an environment for a stack would be the bare minimum we'd need as as start.
I opened an issue for this, please feel free to give it a 👍 or add any addition notes you might have in a comment: