I’m trying to create a VPC using <awsx> like so: ...
# aws
I’m trying to create a VPC using awsx like so:
Copy code
import pulumi_awsx as awsx

# Create a VPC
debezium_vpc = awsx.ec2.Vpc("my_fancy_vpc")
which fails with
Copy code
File "/Users/anders/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/infra-1e2fA1oY-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pulumi_aws/ec2/nat_gateway.py", line 63, in _configure
        raise TypeError("Missing 'subnet_id' argument")
    TypeError: Missing 'subnet_id' argument
Seems like the subnet ids are not passed properly internally in the method?
works with awsx 2.1.1