Hi there! My team is trying to investigate an erro...
# google-cloud
Hi there! My team is trying to investigate an error, but the error message isn't helpful. "pulumi up" returns
gcpcloudrunService (*):
error: expected property name after '.'
Increasing verbosity isn't giving more detail. This uses provider
Any idea how to figure out which property name this error refers to? Or how to investigate at all?
There was a bug in pulumi 3.90 that causes problems like this. Can you make sure you're on 3.91.1 for the cli + sdk. There's further fixes coming in the next release, so you may need to roll back the cli + sdk to 3.89.0 until its released if you still face issues
Thanks! Will update sdk to the latest version, and wait for the next release
Rolling back to 3.89.0 worked 👍