I am trying to patch some kubernetes nodes to add ...
# general
I am trying to patch some kubernetes nodes to add labels and annotations. I consulted the Pulumi AI, which gave the following example code. Although I have replaced Node with NodePatch
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// Fetch a reference to the existing node. You can obtain the node name using `kubectl get nodes`
const node = pulumi.output(k8s.core.v1.getNode("node-name"));

// Create a new NodePatch to add an annotation
new k8s.core.v1.Node("node-name", {
  metadata: {
    annotations: {
      // Old annotations must be preserved to avoid removing existing annotations
      ...node.metadata.apply(m => m.annotations || {}),
      "new-annotation-key": "new-annotation-value",
}, {
  provider: k8sProvider,
  deleteBeforeReplace: false,
From that I came up with the following code, but I get the error. k8s.core.v1.getNode is not a function
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// patch the worker nodes to add the longhorn labels and annotations
const worker1Node = pulumi.output(k8s.core.v1.getNode("k3s-worker-1"))
const worker2Node = pulumi.output(k8s.core.v1.getNode("k3s-worker-2"))

new k8s.core.v1.NodePatch("k3s-worker-1", {
  metadata: {
    labels: {
      ...worker1Node.metadata.apply(m => m.labels || {}),
      "node.longhorn.io/create-default-disk": "config",
    annotations: {
      ...worker1Node.metadata.apply(m => m.annotations || {}),
      "node.longhorn.io/default-disks-config": `[ { 
  dependsOn: [k3sWorker1Install],
  provider: k8sProvider,
  deleteBeforeReplace: false

new k8s.core.v1.NodePatch("k3s-worker-2", {
  metadata: {
    labels: {
      ...worker2Node.metadata.apply(m => m.labels || {}),
      "node.longhorn.io/create-default-disk": "config",
    annotations: {
      ...worker1Node.metadata.apply(m => m.annotations || {}),
      "node.longhorn.io/default-disks-config": `[ { 
  dependsOn: [k3sWorker2Install],
  provider: k8sProvider,
  deleteBeforeReplace: false
Indeed when I check the the kubernetes provider there is no reference to getNode. Anyone get any ideas how I can achieve what I am trying to do?