I am reaching out to express my dissatisfaction re...
# general
I am reaching out to express my dissatisfaction regarding the basic EKS example provided by your community. It is not functioning as expected - the node group is being created but it fails to connect to the cluster. Adding insult to injury, I have been receiving unsolicited e-mails concerning EKS from you, which is ironically what led me to check this out personally. Please ensure that your examples work as intended before sending out promotional e-mails. It’s disappointing that my previous inquiry went unanswered, and yet I continue to receive these unsolicited communications. Your attention to these matters would be highly appreciated.
Link of example?
@future-portugal-53430 I’m sorry you’ve run into an example that doesn’t work. We do our best to ensure examples are functional and produce the desired results, but sometimes we miss things. Can you share a link to the example that isn’t working? Also, have you tried the Kubernetes on AWS template (accessed via
pulumi new kubernetes-aws-{language}
Yeah, whether it’s the example you gave or any other, the node group is not connecting properly to EKS, why is that
What sort of error(s) are you seeing in the AWS Console? Also, are you able to share code that would help us attempt to reproduce the behavior?
The error i have
Copy code
creating urn:pulumi:dev::pulumi-kubes::eks:index:Cluster$aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack::eks-cluster-nodes: 1 error occurred:
    	* waiting for CloudFormation Stack (arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:907885315137:stack/eks-cluster-65f5cb83/f03bb660-b58f-11ee-b3c3-0e834995e807) create: failed to create CloudFormation stack, rollback requested (ROLLBACK_COMPLETE): ["The following resource(s) failed to create: [NodeGroup]. Rollback requested by user." "Resource handler returned message: \"Group did not stabilize. {current/minSize/maxSize} group size = {0/3/6}. Last scaling activity: This account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account. Please contact <https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?region=us-east-1#/case/create?issueType=customer-service&serviceCode=account-management&categoryCode=account-verification> if you have questions. Launching EC2 instance failed.
OK, it looks like there is some sort of issue with your AWS account, and you'll need to contact AWS to get that resolved. Pulumi can't operate properly if there are issues with the underlying AWS account and/or account credentials.
Ah yes, you are correct.