is there a way to automatically grant team access ...
# pulumi-cloud
is there a way to automatically grant team access to new stacks? we’re in the middle of migrating some older infrastructure and creating a fair number of stacks. it’s a tedious manual process, and half the time we forget to do it before someone says “hey i need access to this stack.”
No. We have had that problem for years.
cc @sticky-translator-61903 Definitely something we want to improve. How would you want this to work? We did add a teams flag to the CLI which doesn’t fully automate it, but can be a useful helper
I didn't know about that feature. Does that grand read, write or admin access?
And what does it do when you're not on an Enterprise plan?
We do have an issue open for specifying permission level and we hope to get to it soon: Teams are an enterprise feature so the
flag does require that your org be on an enterprise plan.
For non-enterprise plans, there's no way to add a 2nd owner, is that right? All users are admins on all stacks?
All RBAC related features are a part of the enterprise plan