I'm wondering what is expected way to work with St...
# general
I'm wondering what is expected way to work with Stack outputs and configs without the Pulumi command? More specifically, in my Pulumi stack, I've create outputs like the DB connection string (excluding password), and a separate config secret which is the password. Sometimes, for debugging and occasional imperative commands I want access to those without copying/pasting around or running shell commands. Basically wondering if there is a library that given say the Pulumi directory, and encryption password, it can ask Stack outputs and configs.
If you're using Pulumi Cloud, you could try using the rest api to get the stack's state: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/pulumi-cloud/cloud-rest-api/#get-stack-state However I'm not sure if this will expose secrets or not. I ended up using the pulumi cli to access outputs across tooling, which I know you're trying to avoid
Thanks for the info and the REST API reference. IMO, ideally with a library it could access the state from wherever it is stored.
It's something that's been asked for a few times. I think Pulumi ESC will fill the gap in the future once more functionality is added
Thanks, subscribed.