Update: SOLVED, see thread Hi everyone, I'm hav...
# google-cloud
Update: SOLVED, see thread Hi everyone, I'm having trouble using pulumi to set up a Private Endpoint Link between MongoDB and Google Cloud. When creating a GCP Forwarding Rule to forward an allocated IP address to the target MongoDB Service Attachment, I get these two errors: First error:
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* Error creating ForwardingRule: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid value for field 'resource.loadBalancingScheme': 'EXTERNAL'. Invalid field set in Private Service Connect Forwarding Rule. This field should not be set., invalid
That one goes away if I manually set
to be
(see below for code)
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* Error creating ForwardingRule: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid value for field 'resource.labels': ''. Invalid field set in Private Service Connect Forwarding Rule. This field should not be set., invalid
This one won't go away, even after trying to manually set the
to be
, and
. Interestingly, I also get the exact same error when I provide an object with values in it! So it seems that the SDK is sending a request to the GCP API that has the labels set to
regardless of user input.
I'm using the typescript SDK,
Here's the code I'm running:
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const mongoEndpoint = new mongodbatlas.PrivateLinkEndpoint(
      projectId: mongoProject.id,
      providerName: 'GCP',
      region: 'CENTRAL_US',
    { provider: getMongoAtlasProvider() }

  const mongoSubnet = new gcp.compute.Subnetwork('mongo-atlas-subnet', {
    name: `mongo-atlas-subnet-${projectId}`,
    purpose: 'PRIVATE_RFC_1918',
    ipCidrRange: '',
    ipv6AccessType: 'INTERNAL',
    network: appVpcNetwork.selfLink,
    region: location,

  const endpoints: mongodbatlas.types.input.PrivateLinkEndpointServiceEndpoint[] = [];
  // create 50 ips and forwarding rules
  for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
    const ip = new gcp.compute.Address(`mongo-atlas-ip-${i}`, {
      name: `mongo-atlas-ip-${i}`,
      region: location,
      subnetwork: mongoSubnet.selfLink,
      addressType: 'INTERNAL',

    const rule = new gcp.compute.ForwardingRule(`mongo-atlas-${i}`, {
      region: location,
      network: appVpcNetwork.name,
      subnetwork: mongoSubnet.name,
      ipAddress: ip.selfLink,
      target: mongoEndpoint.serviceAttachmentNames[i],
      loadBalancingScheme: '',
      endpointName: rule.name,
      ipAddress: ip.address,

  new mongodbatlas.PrivateLinkEndpointService(
      projectId: mongoProject.id,
      providerName: 'GCP',
      gcpProjectId: '<my-gcp-project>', // redacted
      endpointServiceId: mongoSubnet.id,
      privateLinkId: mongoEndpoint.id,
    { provider: getMongoAtlasProvider() }
I had a stack transformation registered in another part of the codebase that was adding labels to this resource.
my bad 👀