does anyone use devcontainers to provide isolation...
# general
does anyone use devcontainers to provide isolation to their pulumi codebase? I had a notion of doing this but was unsure of the best way to do it. it would be awesome to use as an image.
We have done (are doing) some work around devcontainers to help simplify/streamline Pulumi provider development, but this is different/distinct from what you’re talking about, I believe. I personally haven’t used a devcontainer to run my Pulumi programs, but it’s certainly an interesting idea worth exploring.
I like the idea of running
pulumi up
in an isolated environment. A distroless container that only knows about pulumi such as Chainguard here is very appealing. I realize this image from Chainguard is more suited to automated deployments but I really like the idea of devcontainer -> pulumi deployment (or wherever) as that gives a full sbom on the provisioning toolchain, bypasses errors in user environments, and hopefully some protection from insecure vscode extensions.
Yep, totally get it