Hi There, I am working with TS and I try to deploy...
# general
Hi There, I am working with TS and I try to deploy SlackChannelConfiguration using @pulumi/aws-native but get this error: error: Resource type 'aws-nativechatbotSlackChannelConfiguration' not found. I have installed this dependency using npm install @pulumi/aws-native -S Some one have the same error whit this library? please help me
Is this the latest version of aws-native? Do you have the latest plugin installed (it should do it automatically but worth checking with
pulumi plugin ls
Hi Fraser, thanks for your answer, yes I have last version and get this error:
Copy code
aws-native:chatbot:SlackChannelConfiguration (devops-chatbot-slack):
    error: Resource type 'aws-native:chatbot:SlackChannelConfiguration' not found.
I'd raise an issue at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-native/issues about this. Not my area but this looks like a bug in the provider itself.
ok, thank you