Notably this is powered by work the team did to su...
# esc
Notably this is powered by work the team did to support reading pulumi stack references into an environment and projecting values into files as well!
This functionality definitely needs its own post. Quite a few times, people have asked about using outputs in application code or misc tooling without requiring pulumi being installed. Is there a changelog I can follow for all things esc/cloud? It's not mentioned in the esc repo
There is a changelog, though this particular feature isn't represented as the implementation is serverside. We'll think about how we can improve this Good feedback on a standalone blog post as well.
I'm curious, what are you currently using ESC for?
Not currently working at the moment, so I'm not using ESC :) Whether I'd use it, I'm unsure still. Access control on the Teams plan seems very lacking for this kind of tool