Everytime I run `pulumi up`, I get the following d...
# aws
Everytime I run
pulumi up
, I get the following diff:
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Previewing update (test):
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (same)
        ~ aws:ec2/launchTemplate:LaunchTemplate: (update)
            blockDeviceMappings  : [
                [0]: {
                    deviceName: "/dev/xvda"
                    ebs       : {
                        deleteOnTermination: "true"
                        encrypted          : "true"
                        volumeSize         : 50
                        volumeType         : "gp2"
            iamInstanceProfile   : {
                arn       : "arn:aws:iam::000000000000:instance-profile/test-eks-cluster-nodegroup-iam-instance-profile"
            imageId              : "ami-0e53e599c9fd9484e"
            instanceMarketOptions: {
            instanceType         : "t3.medium"
            keyName              : "keyname"
            name                 : "test-eks-cluster-nodegroup-system-launchTemplate"
            networkInterfaces    : [
                [0]: {
                    associatePublicIpAddress: "true"
                    securityGroups          : [
                        [0]: "sg-00000000000000000"
            userData             : "xxx"
        ~ aws:autoscaling/group:Group: (update)
          ~ launchTemplate: {
              ~ version: "16" => output<string>
I tried both
ignoreChanges: ['*']
and the following transformations:
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transformations: [
        (args) => {
          if (args.type === 'aws:ec2/launchTemplate:LaunchTemplate') {
            return {
              props: args.props,
              opts: pulumi.mergeOptions(args.opts, {
                ignoreChanges: ['*'],
          return undefined
I have seen a comment from @shy-arm-32391 on https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/issues/709 that ignore_changes is not supported for resources in
. I am not sure if there’s been an update on this. This has been a source of significant pain for us as well 😞
hi! I asked internally and there is a bit of related work happening currently. This is an issue that needs to be addressed in pulumi/pulumi itself, as it affects all component resources, not just pulumi-eks. I'd encourage you to file an issue there and link the related eks issues.