Hello. We have a little error we’d love some guida...
# kubernetes
Hello. We have a little error we’d love some guidance on 🙂. We’re trying to install cert-manager with this package. Getting this error:
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kubernetes:<http://helm.sh/v3:Release|helm.sh/v3:Release> (cert-manager-helm):
    error: kubernetes:<http://helm.sh/v3:Release|helm.sh/v3:Release> resource 'cert-manager-helm': property chart value {cert-manager} has a problem: chart requires kubeVersion: >= 1.22.0-0 which is incompatible with Kubernetes v1.20.0; check the chart name and repository configuration.
This is our code:
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k8sProvider, err := kubernetes.NewProvider(pulumiContext, "k8sprovider", &kubernetes.ProviderArgs{
		Kubeconfig: pulumi.String(kubeconfigPath),
	if err ...

	certManagerProvider, err := certmanager.NewProvider(pulumiContext, "cert-manager", &certmanager.ProviderArgs{}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider))
	if err ...

	certmanagerArgs := certmanager.CertManagerArgs{
		HelmOptions: certmanager.ReleaseArgs{
			Namespace:       pulumi.String("cert-manager"),
			CreateNamespace: pulumi.Bool(true),
		InstallCRDs: pulumi.Bool(true),

	_, err := certmanager.NewCertManager(pulumiContext, "cert-manager", &certmanagerArgs, pulumi.Provider(certManagerProvider))
This might be the closest problem I found. It mentions to upgrade helm and maybe there’s no access to the cluster. But Helm is latest version for us and we’re able to create namespaces, install Vault, create ingresses, etc. Following the same pattern with this cert-manager package but only getting the error. K8s is v1.25.2. Are we doing it wrong? Should we be using another package or installation method? Thanks!
This should be resolved with the v4.5.4 release of pulumi kubernetes, can you check your version please
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❯ go list -m all | grep pulumi-kubernetes/sdk
<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3> v3.30.2
<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v4|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v4> v4.5.5
I updated the pulumi-kubernetes package to 4.5.5 but it seems
<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-cert-manager|github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-cert-manager> v0.0.5
is using 3.30.2
That's odd. The error you're seeing is a regression in 4.5.0. I'm not familiar enough with the golang systems to help on that. I've always implemented cert-manager without the provided component resource, you could take a look at the code for how to do it yourself. It should just be the helm release + YamlFile resources
I might end up doing just that. Thanks for responding on this though 🙂
I had this issue a couple weeks ago and a pulumi upgrade fixed it
Already using latest version for that though:
<http://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3|github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3> v3.94.2
Is there a difference between NewChart and NewRelease, or do we need to use them together in some way? https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/api-docs/helm/v3/release/ https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/api-docs/helm/v3/chart/ To me it looks like both installs a helm chart, or am I wrong?
Release will use
helm install
internally, so everything is managed by helm. Chart will use
helm template
, then pulumi will load the resources into the stack. Worth reading this: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/how-to-guides/choosing-the-right-helm-resource-for-your-use-case/
For now we did yaml.NewConfigFile and fetch the crd and put a pulumi.DependsOn on the configfile at the end of the call to NewChart. Seems to work.
Yep this is the recommended way for cert-manager. It's a relatively simple chart, so Chart and Release can be used interchangeably here.
is that better to use then this?
@stale-answer-34162 it's the same thing, just named differently in the go-sdk
@dry-keyboard-94795 thank you for the link to the article above.