<#C87E17SJZ|install> terraform converter - Can any...
# aws
#install terraform converter - Can any one please help me in resolving this error? pulumi plugin install converter Terraform [converter plugin Terraform-1.0.11] installing error: [converter plugin Terraform-1.0.11] downloading from : failed to download plugin: Terraform-1.0.11: 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-converter-Terraform-v1.0.11-windows-amd64.tar.gz pulumi convert --from Terraform --language python --out pulumi Converting from Terraform... error: load converter plugin: install "Terraform": Could not automatically download and install converter plugin 'pulumi-converter-Terraform' at version v1.0.11, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install converter Terraform v1.0.11`: error downloading provider Terraform to file: failed to download plugin: Terraform-1.0.11: 403 HTTP error fetching plugin from https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins/pulumi-converter-Terraform-v1.0.11-windows-amd64.tar.gz
I tried from a linux machine also , I am getting similar error and this URL is not accessible from outside also from a curl command or browser
can you try using the lowercase word
@limited-rainbow-51650 - Thank you so much its working fine in both the environments 🙂