Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? ...
# dotnet
Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? If I set the
to an Output<string> it fails preview with
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Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unknown", Detail="setting args: copying input "helmOptions": expected destination type to implement pulumi.Input or pulumi.Output, got helmbase.ReleaseType")
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var certmanns = new Namespace("cert-manager", new NamespaceArgs()
    Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs()
        Name = "cert-manager"

var certman = new CertManager("cert-manager", new()
    HelmOptions = new Pulumi.KubernetesCertManager.Inputs.ReleaseArgs
        Namespace = certmanns.Metadata.Apply(x=>x.Namespace)
A plain string works fine
That looks right, I think this is a bug in the CertManager provider. If you raise an issue at with that code snippet we can take a look into it.
Ok will do. I'm having the same issue with the ingress provider as well. Thanks