Hello everyone ! When trying to import a WebAppHos...
# general
Hello everyone ! When trying to import a WebAppHostNameBindingSlot, I specify a set of properties (hostName,hostNameType,name,resourceGroupName,slot) but when opening the details of the import, I can see that the siteName, thumbprint and the sslState are still being imported as well. When tring to up my stack, I can see there is a diff in siteName, sslState and thumbprint even when I've specified those properties in the ignoreChanges section. When importing the same resource withtout specifying the list of properties, then the ignoreChanges takes effect and I don't see any diff when I up my stack. We would like to import without those properties for now because they aren't yet mandatory and work on the ssl / certificate part later in the future. Pulumi import
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pulumi import azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot WebAppBindingSlotTEST /subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/MyGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/MySite/slots/myslot/hostNameBindings/mybinding.com --properties hostName,hostNameType,name,resourceGroupName,slot
Previewing import (MyStack):
     Type                                           Name                                                  Plan
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack                            MyStack
 =   └─ azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot  WebAppBindingSlotTEST                                 import
    = 1 to import
    43 unchanged

Do you want to perform this import? details
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (same)
    ApplicationInsights: {
        ApiKeyReference: ""
        Name           : "appinsights"
        ResourceGroup  : "MyResourceGroupe"

    = azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot: (import) :lock:
        hostName         : "hostName"
        hostNameType     : "Verified"
        name             : "myName"
        resourceGroupName: "MyResourceGroupe"
        siteName         : "mySiteName"
        slot             : "dev"
        sslState         : "SniEnabled"
Pulumi Up
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> pulumi:pulumi:StackReference: (read)
--azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot: (delete-replaced) :lock:
+-azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot: (replace) :unlock:
  - siteName  : <null>
  - sslState  : <null>
  - thumbprint: <null>
++azure-native:web:WebAppHostNameBindingSlot: (create-replacement) :unlock:
  - siteName  : <null>
  - sslState  : <null>
  - thumbprint: <null>
Code Create WebAppHostNameBindingSlot