Hi guys, I wonder if anyone could help, running in...
# general
Hi guys, I wonder if anyone could help, running into issue running this example in go : https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/blob/master/sdk/go/docker/image.go#L53 this is the error im getting :
Copy code
  docker:index:Image (DummyImage):
    error: unrecognized resource type (Check): docker:index/image:Image
here is the code related :
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demoImage, err := docker.NewImage(ctx, "DummyImage", &docker.ImageArgs{
			Build: &docker.DockerBuildArgs{
				Args: pulumi.StringMap{
					"platform": pulumi.String("linux/amd64"),
				Context:    pulumi.String("../service"),
				Dockerfile: pulumi.String("../service/Dockerfile"),
			ImageName: pulumi.String("sampleImageName"),
			SkipPush:  pulumi.Bool(true),
		if err != nil {
			return err
pulumi docker
is at its latest release in my go.mod
Go version :
hey! I double checked this code with all of the same tool versions, using a generic python dockerfile and cannot repro what you are seeing. This error makes me think that somehow in your plugin cache, or possibly your $PATH you are still on Docker v3, which did not have that resource. Can you look at the result of
pulumi about
? also, there's a couple quirks in your code that didn't work straightaway: ā€¢ image names can't have all caps ā€¢ your
should go into a top-level
field, not into Docker build args. Something like this should work:
Copy code
package main

import (

func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
		demoImage, err := docker.NewImage(ctx, "DummyImage", &docker.ImageArgs{
			Build: &docker.DockerBuildArgs{
				Platform:   pulumi.String("linux/amd64"),
				Context:    pulumi.String("../service"),
				Dockerfile: pulumi.String("../service/Dockerfile"),
			ImageName: pulumi.String("sample-image-name"),
			SkipPush:  pulumi.Bool(true),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		ctx.Export("demo-image", demoImage.ImageName)
		return nil
To check and remove any plugins, you can run
pulumi plugin
and follow the help text to list and remove.
hi @shy-arm-32391 thank you for that, the problem was my plugin docker wasnt up to date... after updating everything went well šŸ™‚ thank you for the help!
those things can be super sticky! glad you got it resolved šŸ™‚