Hello, I'm wondering if a `k8s.Provider` exposes i...
# kubernetes
Hello, I'm wondering if a
exposes it's kubeconfig in any usable way. I'm trying to use
to implement a readiness check for cert-manager for example
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import * as k8s from '@pulumi/pulumi';
import { KubeConfig } from '@kubernetes/client-node';

const provider = new k8s.Provider('k8s', {
  // ...

provider.kubeconfig.apply(kubeconfig => {
  const kc = new KubeConfig();
  // ...
isn't actually a thing, is there anyway to do this though? EDIT: turns out the property does exist at runtime; and here's how i'm using it to ready check cert-manager's admission controller webhooks:
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 * This function takes a kubernetes provider and uses it to check if
 * a cert-manager installation is ready to be used.
 * cert-manager can be slow to be ready because it uses kubernetes admission
 * controllers (webhooks) which take time to reach a ready state.
 * This function checks cert-manager by attempting (dry-run) to create a ClusterIssuer
 * customer resource.
 * The dry-run attempt is actually processed by kubernetes and all admission controllers
 * so it allows us to know if the webhooks used by cert-manager are available or not.
function certManagerReadinessCheck(name: string, provider: k8s.Provider): pulumi.Output<string> {
  if (!('kubeconfig' in provider)) {
    return pulumi.output('skipped');

  const kubeconfig = provider.kubeconfig as pulumi.Output<string>;

  return kubeconfig.apply(async (kubeconfig) => {
    if (pulumi.runtime.isDryRun()) {
      return 'dry-run';

    const kc = new k8sc.KubeConfig();
    const client = kc.makeApiClient(k8sc.CustomObjectsApi);

    await withRetry(() =>
          apiVersion: 'cert-manager.io/v1',
          kind: 'ClusterIssuer',
          metadata: {
            name: `${name}-ready-check-test`,
          spec: {
            selfSigned: {},
        // This is the important parameter for our readiness check.
        // This is the 'dryRun' parameter and we use 'All' so that
        // the manifest is submitted to kubernetes and validated against
        // things like cert-manager's webhooks.

    return 'success';

 * WithRetry runs the given `fn` function and retries if it throws.
 * The default configuration will attempt 60 times with a 5 second backoff between
 * attempts.
 * TODO the default configuration will attempt over 5 minutes (60 * 5seconds) but in
 * the case that the `fn` is very slow this can be much longer so we need to support
 * a deadline/timeout.
async function withRetry<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>, maxAttempts = 60, backoffSeconds = 5): Promise<T> {
  try {
    return await fn();
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`withRetry: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
    if (maxAttempts > 0) {
      return withRetry(fn, maxAttempts - 1, backoffSeconds);
    throw error;
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new k8s.apiextensions.CustomResource(
        apiVersion: 'cert-manager.io/v1',
        kind: 'ClusterIssuer',
        metadata: {
          annotations: {
            'ready-check': certManagerReadinessCheck(name, props.provider),
        spec: {
          // ...
You would set kubeconfig on the provider vs reading it. Eg.
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var k8sProvider = new Provider("k8s", new ProviderArgs
            KubeConfig = kubeConfig
I construct mine like so:
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ListManagedClusterAdminCredentials.Invoke(new ListManagedClusterAdminCredentialsInvokeArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
            ResourceName = clusterName
        }).Apply(credentials => {
            var encoded = credentials.Kubeconfigs[0].Value;
            var data = Convert.FromBase64String(encoded);
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
Sorry for the c#
thats azure k8s
it will be implementation specific
I've already got a provider; i'm implementing a custom component for cert-manager which receives a k8s.Provider for deploying a chart to. But i need to use a k8s sdk to ready check the admission controllers So i need to use the kubeconfig again but want to get it back out of the provider instead of passing another input to the component if that makes sense
I actually found the
is available at runtime, it's just not in the type declarations for some reason.
can you not pass it the entire provider instance and reference it in the chart resource?
I did, and the chart deploys. That's not the question 😬
Sure sure
Reading the docs kubeConfig is a documented field of the provider. Maybe an oversight in the typescript offering
I've been totally unhelpful, i'll leave you to it 👍
No worries, confusing question