hey everyone, has anyone resolved an <issue simil...
# python
hey everyone, has anyone resolved an issue similar to this using AWS AppSync JS resolvers? I'm trying to convert an existing VTL
to use JS:
Copy code
the error is:
Copy code
+ runtime                : {
          + name          : "APPSYNC_JS"
          + runtimeVersion: "1.0.0"
error: 1 error occurred:
	* updating urn:pulumi:... : 1 error occurred:
	* updating AppSync Function: BadRequestException: Function version not supported with the provided runtime.
  RespMetadata: {
    StatusCode: 400,
    RequestID: "871c2147-5493-4ee6-b674-6986132c3abf"
  Message_: "Function version not supported with the provided runtime."
has anyone come across this? thanks!
UPDATE mystery solved! it turns out that pulumi doesn't like it if you try to update an existing
resource. I changed the resource name slightly so that it would delete and create a new one which then worked