`@pulumi/aws` triggers lots of deprecated dependen...
# aws
triggers lots of deprecated dependencies warnings from npm so I wanted to replace it with
but I can't find a way to upload objects to the bucket, heck even the examples use the classic API to upload objects to the bucket https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/aws-native-ts-s3-folder/index.ts : does it mean it's not possible with aws-native only ?
is not a replacement for
. Also
uses Cloudformation API and apart from being less complete than community sourced
it is also a lot slower
the official doc says otherwise https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws-native/ : "For new projects, we recommend using AWS Native and AWS Classic side-by-side so you can get the speed and correctness benefits of AWS Native where possible"
how come pulumi/aws uses outdated dependencies then (@pulumi/aws@6.17.0 pulls read-package-tree which mentions it is outdated https://www.npmjs.com/package/read-package-tree ) ? I though that was because it entered a maintainance mode 😢
I've posted the issue here https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/3212 so that it is trackable
classic AWS provider will not enter maintenance mode in the near future and from experience I can tell you should avoid
unless it has something that classic does not.
thanks for sharing your experience. It's a bit daunting but I will follow your advice and stick to aws. I just looked into it in order to silence the warnings but that doesn't seem possible so I give up ^^'
I hope you won't hit different obstacles too early because working with pulumi code is very different from normal software projects and requires a bit different mindset.
we've been happily using pulumi for ~ 2 years . ChatGPT helped me transition from classic to native provider for azure. I run Nixos so I do like declarative systems.