Hello everyone. I am wondering, if there is an azu...
# azure
Hello everyone. I am wondering, if there is an azure-native equivalent of azure.storage.ShareFile? Or is there another way how to put a file (a config file in my case) into a Azure File Share inside the Storage Account? 🙏
my guess is putting files to a fileshare is outside the scope of pulumi as it relates to the data stored inside. you can create/modify/destroy the fileshare itself, but for the contents you should use the azure sdk libraries. these 2 things are separate roles even in Azure RBAC (contributor vs. data contributor)
Thanks for the reply. You are probably right, but Azure Classic had the functionality and it would make my life easier, as I could configure the whole system in one place, whereas without it I will have to create the app and storage account and put the config file there in some other place. How do people handle this? I assume many apps need some sort of configuration file, often containing the info generated during the Pulumi run (like the name of the storage account, or database connection string).
eg. I just pulled in azure packages into my pulumi code, and ran it as part of the pulumi up code. Needs some handling (preview, up down, etc.).
I think I found a thread with a similar problem, hope it helps: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/1664
Thank you. Indeed, the guy in the issue is solving the same problem as I am trying to. Looks like he implemented it also himself.