I am not sure what I am missing; trying to get the...
# python
I am not sure what I am missing; trying to get the private route table IDs from the vpc instead of doing separate AWS get, but the match condition is not working. Thanks for feedback/suggestion Not Working
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mws_vpc = awsx.ec2.Vpc()
            private_route_table_details = mws_vpc.route_tables.apply(
                lambda rts: [
                    for rt in rts
                    if rt.tags and rt.tags.get("SubnetType") == "Private"
            export("private_route_table_details", private_route_table_details)
Working using get, which i am trying to avoid
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# Option2: Use the get_route_tables function to retrieve all route tables for the specified VPC
            # route_tables = aws.ec2.get_route_tables(
            #     filters=[
            #         aws.ec2.GetRouteTablesFilterArgs(
            #             name="vpc-id", values=[mws_vpc.vpc_id]
            #         ),
            #         # Filter to include only non-main association route tables, which are considered private
            #         aws.ec2.GetRouteTablesFilterArgs(
            #             name="tag:SubnetType", values=["Private"]
            #         ),
            #     ]
            # )
            # private_route_table_ids = []
            # for i in route_tables.ids:
            #     private_route_table_ids.append(i)
Able to figure it
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private_route_table_details = mws_vpc.route_tables.apply(
                lambda route_tables: [
                    for route in route_tables
                    if (
                        private_id := route.tags.apply(
                            lambda tag: route.id
                            if tag["SubnetType"] == "Private"
                            else None
But list contain <null> which i cannot remove it with None or "null", "" check
I've arrived at the same conclusion as you. I'm not able to properly filter out the null values but am checking into that one.
@green-stone-37839 any luck
Yes actually. I'll need a couple of hours (early AM for me) but I'll drop a solution in a bit.
This solution is typescript based (my python is rusty). Hopefully this gives you an idea of what is needed to get want you want. Essentially two steps: 1. unwrap the tags from the route table 2. filter based on needed tags
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function GetPrivateVpcs(rts: aws.ec2.RouteTable[]): pulumi.Output<aws.ec2.RouteTable | undefined>[] {
    const privateRts: pulumi.Output<aws.ec2.RouteTable | undefined>[] = [];

    for (const rt of rts) {
        const localRt = rt.tags.apply(tag => {

            if (tag!["SubnetType"] == "Private") {
                console.log(`length: ${privateRts.length}`);
                return rt;

            return undefined;


    return privateRts;

const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("vpc", {
    cidrBlock: ""

export const privateRts = vpc.routeTables.apply(GetPrivateVpcs);
This is the working function. Replace GetPrivateVpcs above with the below
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function GetPrivateVpcs(
  rts: aws.ec2.RouteTable[]
): pulumi.Output<aws.ec2.RouteTable[]> {
  // Resolve all outputs first, then filter within the apply.
  return pulumi
      rts.map((rt) =>
        rt.tags.apply((tags) => ({
    .apply((unwrapped) => {
      const privateRts: aws.ec2.RouteTable[] = [];

      for (const rt of unwrapped) {
        if (rt.tags!["SubnetType"] == "Private") {
          console.log(`length: ${privateRts.length}`);

      return privateRts;