Am I getting dump or is <
# golang
Am I getting dump or is not up to date anymore? When I want to assign the ip address to a server like in this example I get this:
Copy code
[00] pkg/stack/program.go:85:19: cannot use ipv4.ID() (value of type pulumi.IDOutput) as pulumi.IntPtrInput value in struct literal: pulumi.IDOutput does not implement pulumi.IntPtrInput (missing method ToIntPtrOutput)
[00] pkg/stack/program.go:87:19: cannot use ipv6.ID() (value of type pulumi.IDOutput) as pulumi.IntPtrInput value in struct literal: pulumi.IDOutput does not implement pulumi.IntPtrInput (missing method ToIntPtrOutput)
sometimes the docs are slightly off. check out this and see if you can figure out what should be done. If that doesn't get you anywhere, the way I find out is by looking through pulumi source files.
Found a way that works: