following this question <https://pulumi-community....
# yaml
following this question YAML docs are very poor quality, how to contribute to improve them?
This is maybe not helpful to you, but maybe it is. I have used AWS Certs and cert validations, DNS, etc. in Pulumi Yaml in multiple projects. I have quite a few seemingly impossible errors like this. In every case, it was always me doing something wrong like referencing the wrong cert, or creating the validation in a wrong region, etc etc.
This is my working config right now, maybe it will help
Copy code
#  A C M   C E R T
# ----------------------------------------
# Create a cert for the custom API gateway domain and validate it via DNS record
# <>
# <>
    type: aws:acm:Certificate
      domainName: "*.${varConstructedDomainWithProductionTrimmed}"
      validationMethod: "DNS"
      # AWS tags
        Environment: ${pulumi.stack}
        CreatedBy: pulumi
    type: aws:acm:CertificateValidation
      certificateArn: ${cert_wildcard.arn}
        - ${dns_certvalidation.fqdn}

  # record for cert validation
  # <>
    type: aws:route53:Record
      zoneId: ${varRoute53ZoneID}
      name: ${cert_wildcard.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordName}
        - ${cert_wildcard.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordValue}
      type: ${cert_wildcard.domainValidationOptions[0].resourceRecordType}
      ttl: 60
I notice you are overriding the provider to use us-east-1. I don't need to do this 🤷 maybe this is where your problem is. I remember I had to do this a long time in the past, but don't anymore. Maybe pulumi automatically handles it now
thanks @gifted-gigabyte-53859 it was actually quite opposite - if I do not specify
provider (in both certificate definition AND validation config) it just can't find certificate , otherwise it is ok but failing in timeout in pending validation I will try your example where you completely eliminate mentions of the provider
interestingly even manually created cert and semi-manually created route 53 records (from console by AWS itself) also hang in validation, seems like aws issue to me but I will never stop experiment a little worrying is the need to have manually created hosting zone - seems like AWS do not like to have hosting zone defined as IaC, this may be an issue
Yes, interesting. I did not try to create the zone with IaC, always did it manually. I also had a similar issue where it would timeout during the validation stage. I wish I could remember exactly what the issue was. I remember deleting all DNS records, then retrying the manual validation (manually from console click the 'create dns records' and see if it works. If it works, compare the manually created records with the ones you created via IaC. It may reveal something.
that was an issue with hosting zone, had to change NS records for the domain to match hosting zone, and extract zone from pulumi control