Hello! I have a K8s pulumi operator that I deploye...
# general
Hello! I have a K8s pulumi operator that I deployed using a helm chart. I want to refer to that operator for the creation of a resource as shown in this example https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-operator/blob/bb74ca4bd4ac9ebf2b3d29f4fcc7d3d599320f3d/examples/aws-s3/index.ts#L93. Here they create an operator through code but mine already exists. Is there a way to reference the already existing operator?
In that example it's depending on the operator. If the operator is already known to exist, you shouldn't need it in your dependency tree?
Hey @cuddly-computer-18851, new to pulumi. I saw the operator tutorial and I thought having it in the dependency tree is what allowed the operator to continuously keep an eye out on the resource to update it if it detects any git changes. Are you saying I can just deploy a customResource https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-operator/blob/bb74ca4bd4ac9ebf2b3d29f4fcc7d3d599320f3d/examples/aws-s3/index.ts#L50 and my existing operator will automatically pick up this resource and make sure its up to date with what is in git?
If your operator is matching whatever labels / resources or whatever it selects on then yes. The
is strictly to influence the Pulumi DAG. it doesn't effect any k8s resources.