Hello everyone Is there a way to access the "raw"...
# azure
Hello everyone Is there a way to access the "raw" request, pulumi sends to azure-native? I guess it would be something like a ARM JSON. But the closest I could find were entries from 'log.go' by using
pulumi up --logtostderr -v=10
I need this information for the Azure support, as it is not sure whether a missing/incomplete property of a Stream Analytics Job is caused by Pulumi or Azure...
I thought pulumi under the covers generates terraform. Downside of abstraction layers sometimes 🙂
No, the Azure-native provider doesn't depend on terraform
Does pulumi python SDK send ARM templates by using GO in the end? Do you have any idea how I can access this ARMT?
I thought Pulumi was interacting with the REST api tbh but the docs mention it interacts with Azure Resource Manager. The providers are open source so you could have a dig around but I'm hoping someone more knowledge might know the answer more definitely. tagging @tall-librarian-49374 as he'll probably know for sure (BTW, hi Mikhail 👋 !)
Hi @echoing-umbrella-72850 and all! Azure Native sends requests directly to Azure APIs, without ARM templates. I think it's called Azure Resource Manager REST APIs, so both "REST API" and "Azure Resource Manager" are kind of correct.
by using
pulumi up --logtostderr -v=10
That's probably the only way to see raw requests and response. The full command I use is
pulumi up --skip-preview --yes --debug -v=9 --logtostderr --logflow
Thanks a lot! I found an interestingly looking REST request in the log and hope that it will solve the issue with Azure/Pulumi 🙂