Hi folks, I'm trying to pull a docker image from a...
# aws
Hi folks, I'm trying to pull a docker image from a private repo and push it to AWS ECR, I tried awsx.ecr.Image and docker.Image with right ecr registry info set. But they build the image and then push it, is there a way to skip the build and just push the local image available?
Are you asking about the additional time it takes to build the image for to do the diff?
in my build setup I build the images and upload them to dockerhub, now I want pulumi to just pull and upload this image to ECR without building the image locally again Related issue: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/issues/54
docker.Image() builds image locally, which I want to avoid
Isn't that for buildcache? I want to avoid the build altogether I want to do this 1. docker pull <soucre> 2. docker tage <source> <ecr-dest> 3. docker push <ecr-dest> I can't find equivalent for 3
I don't think you can currently achieve what you want with the provider
Ah that's sad, so a work around is to use
and run docker commands like mentioned in the issue. Do you know any other work around?
I was suggesting the build cache as a work-around, unfortunately. Command can work, or maybe look into something with https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/docker/api-docs/getregistryimage/ (I don't have any personal experience with this, though)
I'll check that, Thanks!!
Good luck, I'm curious about what solution you end up going with.